Del Rey School Site Council Representatives

School Site Meetings
The Council meets on bi-monthly basis, typically on the last Thursday of the month in the Staff Lounge from 3:15 PM.- 4:15 P.M. Please consult the school calendar for specific times and locations. All meetings are open to the public and participation is welcomed and appreciated. The Site Council reserves time for public comment at the end of each meeting. In consideration of the noticed agenda and time, public comments are recorded at the meeting and addressed by the Council at the following month's meeting.
Role of the School Site Council
The School Site Council (the Council) serves as the governing board of the Del Rey School (the “School”), which determines the focus of the School’s academic instructional programs and all related categorical resources. The Council is made up of teachers, parents, and other school personnel who work with the Principal to develop, review and evaluate school improvement programs, the School budget as well as school safety.
All members of the Council with the exception of the Principal, serve for a term of two years. Parent members of the Council are elected by the parents in the school community; teacher members of the Council are elected by their peers. Council members have an obligation to make decisions that best serve the school community.
Responsibilities of the School Site Council
Every year, the Council analyzes and evaluates the academic achievement of all students in the School. After reviewing the School’s academic performance and looking at the big picture of the School’s progress, the Council and the Principal create the School Plan. This plan, once developed, is submitted by the school to the district for approval.
This school Plan may include a new academic program or a staff member or parent outreach strategy. As the School budget is limited and many funds can only be spent under strict guidelines, the decisions are made taking into consideration the best overall interest of our school and students.
Over the course of a year, the Council works with the Principal to evaluate the school’s progress towards the goals included in the School Plan. To monitor performance, individuals who are responsible for programs in the School Plan are invited to make a presentation to the Council during its scheduled meetings. During these presentations, the Council seeks to understand the nature of the program, success to date, and opportunities for improvement.
Some Sample Topics Discussed at School Site Council Meetings