Principal's Welcome Note

Welcome to Del Rey Elemantary School! We are one of three elementary schools in King City Union

School District. Our staff serves approximately 615 students in grades ranging from transitional

kindergarten to fifth grade.

Our instructional program is designed to meet the specific learning needs of our students. We utilize

research-based interventions for both reading and mathematics. For students in grade TK-3, we utilize

the 95% Group Literacy intervention to ensure all of our students can read well upon leaving third grade.

For mathematics, we use the iReady program to reinforce mathematical concepts and practices.

Our wonderful teachers and instructional assistants work hard every day to help meet the needs of our

students. Success for all takes teamwork from parents, students, and staff. We all want to work

together to do what is best for our children as they learn and grow.

We have many opportunities for parents to participate in decision-making. We welcome parent

volunteers in our classrooms and have very active parent involvement groups such as our School Site

Council (SSC), our English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC), and our Parent Teacher Organization


Del Rey Dolphins follow three core values: Be safe, Be Respectful, and Be Responsible. We try to reflect

these values in everything we do.

Charlylnn Davidson, Principal

Administrative Staff